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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (dmbfan09): 4/13/2019 1:05:35 AM

How do websites like this still exist?

[REDACTED] The second page of the LSLA says “Bungie grants you the non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license to install and use one copy of this Program solely for your [b]non-commercial use[/b] (not intended to make a profit). There are still paid carries that get offered on this apps own LFG. This company is really going downhill. I was wondering for a while if it was “legal” for people to offer paid carries, and Bungie just couldn’t do anything. But now I know it’s just because they’re lazy, and spending too much time temporarily removing gameplay elements that highlight how broken their current games economy is. [spoiler][i]Moderator Note: I redacted the website linked since it was an advertisement for a service that violates the Terms of Use and Code of Conduct.[/i][/spoiler]

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