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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/12/2019 10:40:34 PM

Sentinel Shield

Okay, I'm not sure how much this has been referenced, mentioned, or complained about but I felt like I should put this out there. The Sentinel Titan's Aggressor Super has consistently been problematic when it comes to hit registration in the Crucible. If Bungie or the Community can look into or discuss this more then I would be very thankful. Too many times the hit registration for the light and heavy Shield attacks has been inconsistent. I personally have not checked the player-in-question's Void resistance, but I do not believe that it should take more than one heavy attack for a non-Super-activated player to be defeated in the Crucible, unless they are at a [u][/u]very [u][/u] high level of Void resistance on their armor perks. If they are at a high resistance, then I am more content with the outcome, but I don't like the fact that I'm being killed by people I have hit three times with the Sentinel shield.

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