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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.

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Изменено (MissMayhem): 4/10/2019 9:16:06 AM

which should bungie do to make way of the outlaw better

bring back gunslingers trance


bring back combustion


increase golden gun duration(one way or another)


just get of deadshot, its a little aim assist buff, you dont need that at all, bring back gun slinger's trace, that way you have increased reload speed(still slower than outlaw) and increases stabilty on headshot kills, this would allow gunslingers to do something that none of the other classes can do by allowing them to buff their guns usablity through consistancy unlike titans or warlock which can directly buff their dps in many different ways from class abilities to exotics, hunters esp gunslingers only have a reload increase which in many ways doesnt actually increase dps. this would allow hunters running way of the outlaw to do two major things, be the main ad clear with pretty much weapon of choice (like a curated kindled orchid or a breakneck or pretty much any outlaw, kc, or mutlikill clip weapon) with higher effeciency than other classes on gunplay alone, as for other abilities or the use of exotics that may change things up but would still make gunslingers the actually gun slingers of the game rather than just the guys that have throwing knives and golden gun. the other thing that could be done instead of deadshot(again totally useless perk) is combustion which would make it a bit better in ad clear and make targeting majors more useful because of the chance of mutlikills or even targeting low tier ads around majors. the one thing that i cant recommend is the increase in time on golden guns from kills, do i want a duration buff? heck yeah, slam, spectral,nova, storm, hammers, all last as long as current 6 shot if they never stopped spamming the most costly attack for their supers, and more than double if they play with any sort of brain, but i cannot say that having infinite ammo golden gun shots raining down for anywhere near 10 secs would be a bit much in pve, and would get pretty annoying in pvp as well.(heck 10 secs of golden gun 6 shotter would break the hell outta gambit prime) so i really would have to stress bungie to look back to d1 and see what was good and thematic from the gunslinger and just bring back gunslinger's trace. increased stability up to 3x up to 35% or stat wise the increase of steady rounds and a stability masterwork on top of the weapons current stability.

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