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Изменено (TotalDramaGamer): 3/27/2019 6:34:09 PM
Frankly, it's not that SB needs a nerf... but more that the constant chaining of attacks needs to stop. Arcstaff and Sentinel have this. You do 2-3 attacks then you have a animation recovery (or a short stop) to do 2-3 attacks again. SB is just [u]so fast and hard af to hit[/u] while constantly attacking. You should be able to rapidly attack 2-3 times and kill a group of people in a small room or hallway. But you should not be able to [u]constantly attack[/u] all the way to each and every single target; using attacks themselves as your main mobility option. Other than the spam, I think the super is fine. The spam just needs a cut off point after 2-4 attacks in the animations before resetting and giving a moment of stability to be shot at (again, like Arcstrider or Sentinel). It's nearly impossible to shut down a spamming SB that's weaving back and forth at your team (unless you have a lot of linear room).

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