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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (stenchy pech boy): 3/24/2019 11:38:10 PM

Fix comp

There is no team balancing in comp. If your gonna make the only way to earn glory points is to win, and not performance based, balance the freaking teams. Also, when my whole team quits because we're going against a clan of unbrokens using Not Forgottens, don't lower MY glory rank. Also, can we limit the special ammo because comp literally just sliding around with a dust rock blues. It doesn't feel competitive, it just feels stupid. It feels like whoever has a LH or NF wins no matter what. Incorporating weapon balancing and team balancing would be nice.

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  • Изменено (ibattlemike): 3/25/2019 1:48:20 PM
    These posts are funny. First, I've used my son's account lately and it's a blast to play because he has such low stats and never got the NF or Luna (I've got it on my account). What I've noticed is obviously the lower your stats, the easier the people you run into. I play solo all the time, especially on his account and run into stacks of 4...that absolutely just suck. I'll win 99% of matches I play. So imo...bungie has done what they can...they matched made me with people that were on the same level stat wise. Bungie can not control the human factor of it...if you run into people that crush you...they are just better, because they probably play a freaking lot....and could possibly be doing recovery accounts (which honestly is essentially what I'm doing, since my son's account has low stats from his game play, I get on there and just throw everyone off when I play like a seasoned player lol). I also notice the people I crush are just using stupid weapons, like auto rifles and scout rifles...these maps are too small for scouts imo and auto rifles are so inconsistent. I can use my son's trust, ikelos hand cannon or that other hand cannon he got from playing trials (can't remember the name of it). My point is that any 180 hand cannon will get the job done. I also notice that people I go up against will have their gear all messed up. They'll be using a weapon like a hand cannon, but their gear is setup for things they aren't even using. So if you're using a hand cannon or whatever, make sure you have gear setup for targeting with that weapon and reloading faster, dexterity, etc. Also, infuse that gear...helps a lot!

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