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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/22/2019 5:57:59 PM

Make Forced Game Chat in Comp a thing.

I remember back in the golden days of online gaming (Xbox 360 specifically), any competitive game mode in any game that had multiplayer, you were forced to leave your party chat and head into game chat. If you refused, you couldn’t play it. Why is this feature never talked about? People complain that Comp in this game sucks, because of Luna’s/Solo Queue/trash randoms/etc. The only reason I despise Comp is because there is ZERO communication among players. I’ve won plenty of matches running a 4 stack with friends, all due to communication, resulting in amazing teamwork. But for random squads? You better be praying that you got someone who can hold their own very well. So Bungie, can your communication team come up with something better than Fireteam/Game Chat options? Can you just force Game Chat? Why was the current system put in place anyway? It’s bull the way it is.

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