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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Evilman520): 3/20/2019 1:34:33 PM

My wife got her Warlock's third seed of light... said she wont bother using it because "Nova Warp is useless anyway."

And I honestly don't blame her. Unlocking Warp as it is now is absolutely not worth the time. You know something is messed up, when someone doesn't even want to bother unlocking the subclass because it sucks. We used groan and say "They're using Nova Warp...." after hearing one activate in Crucible. But now, it's turned into "They're using Nova Warp???" I'll admit, even I kind of groaned about being killed by one as a fellow Warplock, but only because I knew the respawn system would place me right next to it immediately after it already killed me. Other than that, I didn't mind it. I shut down Warps all the time. It was just another Super, to me. But now, you see a Warp so rarely that it may as well be a fuggin Bigfoot sighting. Congratulations crucibabies, you managed to completely kill what was one of the coolest concepts for a Super -to the point where some people don't even see them anymore, and others don't even want to go through the time of unlocking it. Let's face it, Nova Warp and Chaos Reach were the coolest new Supers we've seen since The Taken King. Burning Maul? Just a bigger hammer. Spectral Blades? You mean the void version of Arc Blade. Warp was an awesome concept... and now it may as well have been removed from the game entirely. This one ain't on Bungie, this is on the community.

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