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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Kahrna): 3/10/2019 6:42:10 AM

Lacking Exotics and How to I’d Fix Them

As of right now theirs only a hand full of exotic weapons and armour actually worth using. Some exotics could honestly classify as legendaries they’re so plain and weak.... Here’s a short list of Weapons I feel need TLC badly and how I’d change them: [b]POLARIS LANCE[/b]: -this weapons perk ([i]Perfect Fifth[/i]) is pathetic when it comes to its damage. 1. Increase Perfect Fifth’s AOE by 100% 2. Increase Perfect Fifth’s damage by 300% 3. Masterwork grants increased stability 4. Masterwork doubles handling [b]SUNSHOT[/b]: -once upon a time this weapon was amazing at clearing ads but now it’s useless. 1. Max or near max stability 2. Increase Sun Blast perk damage by 200% [b]THE HUCKLEBERRY[/b]: -A Tex Mechanica weapon but yet it’s useless in PvP... it’s not horrible in PvE yet not worth the slot. 1. Increase stability by 75% 2. Increase range by 50% 3. Adjust recoil pattern to be more predictable 4. Catalyst grants rampage spec [b]CRIMSON[/b]: Compared to its Red Death counter part this weapon isn’t what it could live up too. Although it’s a clutch to have in PvE it’s still not worth the slot. 1. Increase weapons damage by 5-10% 2. Catalyst grants additional perk (after a kill, the first burst deals extra damage) *At its optimal range this weapon ideally should deal enough damage to 2 burst once the perk is active** [b]MERCILESS[/b]: -A great weapon all round but could use some love. Although it might be a little too OP I feel like I have the solution. 1. Targets explode when killed 2. Each hit loads a round from reserves [b]HARD LIGHT[/b]: -One of my favourite weapons from D1, it’s a great weapon in the right hands but it can’t really stand against other exotics. 1. Reduce projectile kick a little (don’t know if the catalyst will be doing this or not) 2. Catalyst makes weapons recoil more predictable 3. Catalyst maxes Handling Speed 4. Return OG Glass Half Full to the weapon [b]MIDA MULTI-TOOL[/b]: -This weapon really doesn’t need a whole lot since it’s a solid weapon and always has been but I’d like to some two things change. 1. Return Hair Trigger to the weapon 2. Introduce some sort of synergy with Mini-Tool **dont actually know what the catalyst is for this weapon** That’s all I can think of right now in terms of weapons, armour on the other hand I could spend hours on the forums writing a novel about changes to make most of em good. Hope you liked what rolls around my brain at 3am!!

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