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Destiny 2

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Изменено (Mirialans): 3/9/2019 7:21:03 PM

My Vengeance (an Destiny fanfict) Chapter 1-7 Google Translated

------------------------- Here is my awful destiny fanfiction My Vengeance (Chapter 1-7 only) google translated from English to Tajik to Uzbek to Latin and back to English again and the results are. --------------------------------- Chapter 1: This is his love and kindness researchers engaged in serious music Vicky, just a simple woman who loves plants and marble, the slave is the same license. "Manage and go home." No, if you have for lunch, the chicken is "Vicky jinxly, Mara is noted in the tone was very tired that day and the mountain, said Mara, but only volunteers. He said:" I can not tell you the last time, it is the last time you're going to understand that if a beautiful girl, of course, you can take a day off, but a serious incident to the hotel, "Mara said, and" if you want to "do not worry I have a problem inside ship, then Carl slide it into the hall after the music is very big role: 'what does that mean? "the brother said Marwa, Udren the name Vamperro said." I will tell you that you speak, "he said," I thought about it, "he said. Chapter 2: 5 And he looked around in astonishment, after an hour of the last part of the island had seen the flight of the city with the arms of a dream that was not first to speak, "he said," There was a vast, with vyki, and he said: "Was it because there may be: in the place where I am koƣazro suture". Zaharlashganimdan, where the prime minister said. Because of what he said. "I think you are wrong, you are in the game, vyki said to him:" Sherlock Sherlock, "One day he decided to go home friends to film a home to sleep. But then tried, and its Vamʙariro Udren listen to hear draxula teeth, eyes wide open and embracing it, and I'm sorry spread VYKI goal of the new "heroes". Chapter 3: Wyki requests and decided to be a warning, what do you do. Finally Gueo another, and saw it, he smiled and said: "Where is he? He said:" VATCH! "Yes." Ask, but I understand. " He said oʙpūşro Oh, I see, "never medicine, and he wanted no attention gulūgii music song" this is easy, 'said indicia Chapter 4: Crime time "She called him and said, 'If you, boy!' uldren Lilith said: "Harden tower Realilvanija me and told me that he sent to me that what the race:" I said, "that tracking can not believe he wanted to leave and go on the boat trip, the boat broke and said:" Qichishishlar work better shelter ". Chapter 5: Supreme Court crown and Vyki hero "hijaru Ougang Rough !!!" I said: 'If I were an artist, this is a "loud," AAAUGHUGHHH you, "I said to him, and he took his golden how to suck a really good guy," try. " Chapter 6. intolerant of This is the shipwrecks he wanted, especially in the evening, after he was wounded and a large part of the panel and laughter poured over him, and he decided vyki said: "Now, you can taste sense. " Chapter 7. now ing, thank you, "he said ..." vyki quality and color, and REVOSTVANANA .... closer to him, he said: "I know the man G Juventus and pain and laughter to his friend.

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