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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/4/2019 4:38:21 PM

My Vengeance (an Destiny fanfict) Chapter 21-31

Chapter 21: This time vyki was on mars, she decided to take a vacation, she saw 3 gabals playing cards she said to them "yo whats up doods, you know where ana bray is?", she replied confusely, all 3 gabals replied at the same time "hmmm this way", they replied, she then said "ok tahnks". Chapter 22: bray somethin After 2 hours of wondering around the dunes she finally arrived, vyki then said "you? bray? person?" akwardly, ana was eating a mcdonalds cheeseburger she bought from phobos and replied "mmm ugh hai, wo are you?" ana replied back, vyki then replied to her "do you know whos that strannger lady?" akwardly, ana then replied "go to the black garden and there we go", vyki replied to her "by bye thanjs". Chapter 23: stranger tired now vyki was in da black garden, she saw the stranger, the stranger said to her "ugh another guardian?, vyki sexily replied "no guardian im goth kool" awkardly replied, the stranger was confused and said "HERE TAKE THIS SH#TTY RIFLE AND F#CK OFF" and then vyki got teleported to Mara herself closely, mara replied "what the d#cks are you doing?", vyki then said "i got dis gun from strange person dock" awkardly and eating carrot, mara was impressed but she didnt want to be spoiled and yelled "dont spoil pal" she replied. Chapter 24: 2 days left until the holiday is over, vyki got to think quick and decided to travel to the tower and decided to use her immortal powers on those stupid guardians, vyki arrived and saw an target by the name of Bobby , vyki then decided to talk to him and said "gotdamit bobby you look smexy and I want to bite your sack, she mistakely replied and bobby replied back "what?", vyki quickly replied "nuthing". Chapter 25: bobbys ballsacks where big and he had muscles like hulk hogan, vyki didnt know what to do so she went to a hotel watched a kung fu movie and learned tricks, it wasnt easy but she did wanted to show poeple that he was kool person. Chapter 26: da big fight today vyki wanted to show that she was kull and strunfg, vyki yelled at him "goddamit bobby im going to beat the sh#it out of you", the fight between those dwellers begun, vyki kicked my the ballsack, she then kicked her booth in his booty and bite his finger, she won but this wasnt the end, then out of nowhere came a strunger guy and said "you didnt this to my friend!! SHOOP PA DA WHOOP!" she flew very fast and landed back on reefsylvania. Chapter 27: Mara saw at her and say "while I was sitting eating your breakfast, you have done lots of trouble" mara said very seriously, vyki was more goth this time and replied to her "Me? huh guess self hah", she replied but vyki didnt knew what she really wanted to say and said something out of completely nowhere "you mean bobby?, that sack of sh#t was easy" vyki said to her. Chapter 28: vyki was sent to her room and had to be there for the rest of the sommer and out of nowhere uldren horse head vampire apeared in her and said "Hah whos da kool now" then he disapeared and vyki was pissed but she then notice that her door wasnt locked for some goddam reason, she said "doors not locked?, thats pretty suddle right?", vyki sneaked past the guards and stud into petra and said "watcha you going petra girl" petra said confused, vyki replied "if those dork guards spot me, i will be trown into my room again" she said quickly, petra then replied "for what reason?" she said confusely and vyki replyed "I did...trouble making ^¬^" vyki said in hurry and said again "dont tell mara..ok :)", petra then liely replied "I wont promise", vyki didnt knew that petra lied that promise intill later. Chapter 29: Vyki dorkly ren into horse uldrens room and saw uldrencula inside, vyki then wisparly replied "ew smells like horse poop", uldren heard and yeled "VYKI NOW WE FINALLY ME YOU BACH", he replied while eating a potato, vyki then spanked him in the booty and used acracadabra, uldrencula with horse face replied "I give f#ck this im out bye" he vanished ans was never seen again untill years later. Chapter 30: After vyki got spotted by 2 guards, mara then said "what where you doing?" she replied pissed, vyki edgely replied "I have proof that uldren is a pussy" vyki replied awkardly, mara then replied "You right, my brother is a pussy.", mara shocked vyki by that replied and said "thats what I told you the whole time. Chapter 31: end After the hot mess, eveything went to normal until uldrencula returnd and said "I am back!!!", vyki then replied "hey dorkula, the story is over", he was confused and said to mara, vyki and petra "well thats all folks.

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