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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/4/2019 4:36:12 PM

My Vengeance (an Destiny fanfict) Chapter 12-20

Chapter 12: it is 6 months after that hot mess happend between mara and her new servant petra, today she decided to dress in black wearing gothic gloating as she got tired of that plain awoken suit, and took her walkman and listen to some edgy music. Petra saw her and said "you vyki?", she replied dorkly, vyki knew that she want to provoking her so she thinking what to say l, she then replied "ye you again? huh", petra replied "dont be so naive, im cooler and strunger than yuu huh", vyki then spaked her in the booty, and yelled "aaaaaaigridbiid" loud, vyki said to her "im prove im srung, im shall see", petra was cross but she knew her weikneses. Chapter 13: vyki then stealthly ren to count uldren-culas room, she was tired that he said that, but today he was going to do ballet. When vyki came to his room she saw that there where to guards, both guards yelled "WHAYT ARE OYU DOUBG HERE? VYKI", vyki decided to lie and replied "im going to clean hes room of stallones", both replied "alrihht you can go in but dont get your blood sucked", when vyki say his rooom, she reacted smexly, theres a bed, an dracula book, and giant picture of him wearing sexy booty underpants, she said to herself "hah look at this dood, now I can expose him to Mara, muhahahah" Chapter 14: udrunn exposu Vyki went to the mara and said "kunichiwa I habe sumthing schpecial" she said akwardly, Mara looked at her as she took a giant dump and replied "Wwhat is it now vyki?!!", she said and vyki replied back excitedly "hes some fotos I took in his room ^~^", when Mara viewed those photos she imediadly pissed her pants and laugh + saying "HAHAHAH WHAT THE F#CK AHAHAHIEBDIWBZ" loudly, and then... the count came home and said "I aym here.....WHAT WHO GAVE THESE FOTOS!!!!", vyki said to him "it was my countf#cka HAH", vampire uldren was very pissed he then yelled "NOOO" and puff he vanished...for 6 minuts, Mara then replied when dying laughing "haha maybe you are too hash HUH. Chapter 15: counts revengu After 6 minuts uldru-cula returned cross, he wanted reveng on her, he yelledly replied to vyki "YOU DIDLY DUDLY BAYCH" loudy, he then casted a spell yelling abracadabra, vyki was quick she then took a mirror and the spell reflected to him and hes head became a horse head, udrlencula looked into the mirror and yelled "EEYYYUGGH" loudly and replied ti vyki "YOU THINK YOUR SO SMART YOU AINT SH#t!" he then gave up and became in reefsylvania as Count Uldre-cula Horse Head, after that he never ate anyrhing but only carrots. Chapter 16: 98 weeks after the hot uldren mess, vyki got an task from Mara, she said to mara "Yiu are thr host of the querns wrath event", vyki replied "me?, no problemo", vyki then went to the hanger and went to her new ship, it is a Mercedes Benz Reef Mobile 965K, when started the motor, it flew fast super dumper fast and vyki directly ren to earth. Chapter 17: guuk dorkface When vyki arrived at the tower...again she saw again guuk, she said to him "guukh guuky spanky!!!" akwardly, guuk then replied to her rudely "your hot!", she used her golden gun and pew him, guuk was never seen again :/ . Chapter 18: Vyki walked and listen to Slipknot music and acted edgy, she then noticed shaxx and said to him "shaxx I got to say but you yell too much at pvp, and it its sheet", shaxx was silent, vyki then notice that everybody was silent....OUT OF NOWHERE SPOOKY GHOST GUUK apeared and replied "Its no use. Takr this" loudly vyki flew back and got hurt, but then see noticed that she became a vampyr, and quickly kicked him in the nuts and spanked in his ballsacks hard and then punch in booty and guuk then never returned. Vyki was after that "eww I gonna wash my hands, thsts nasty bro". Chapter 19: Vyki rented an hotel room and decided to become a super villian, she made a custom, looked worse than a cheap halloween custome, vyki talked "Im gonna be so edgy mode, I AM GUUD!!!!, when the next morning accur she went to tower and trying scared guardians but it didnt work out well, one guaridan yrllew "you look cheap, vyki akwardly replied "thays yourelf huh" After that, vyki decided to act kool and used her golden gun but SUDDENTLY her car came and pull her into her ship and flew back to reel, one guaridan say "what a loser". Chapter 20: Vyki went to the mara and sayed "wheres horsy?", mara giggly replied "In his room hihi", when vyki went to his room, everything was quiet, he was medatating and eating carrots at the same time, vyki offbrofly spoke "WHATS UP DOCK?" she said and uldruhorsecula replied "AGH WHAT THE BALL SH#T SACK ARE YOU DOING HERE? EEEYJFH" he said shockly, vyki then replied "I was curois dock" she replied and ate carrot, uldren vampire then slapped her and vyki then acted quick and said "neeee F#CK YOU!" and kicked in him into a pool of horse fieces, uldrehorse replied "ew thats stinky", vyki replied "I know dock".

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