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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/4/2019 3:58:42 PM

Character screen to display all armor perk combos and stats

Right now, hitting right trigger (xbox) does nothing while in the character screen unless you are hovering over an item to compare. It would be nice to see all armor stats slide out of the right side of the screen (like lore on an exotic) and display all of the stats of the armor set as they combo together. [quote][b]Base[/b]: (displays subclass and exotic % separately as they may not stack accordingly) - % grenade decreased - % melee decreased - % ability decreased - reload speed increase[/quote] [quote][b]Stacked[/b]: (may include exotic and subclass perks when applicable) - % reserves increase - % scavenger increase - chance of finding ammo types - Super recharge (includes subclass and exotic perks) - Ability recharge (includes subclass and exotic perks)[/quote] [quote][b]Set Bonuses[/b]: (expecting Bungie to expand upon the upcoming Gambit set bonuses) - Much like Diablo 3 and almost any other RPG with set bonus stacking - May also display stacking % (in parentheses) next to above stats to show the difference in set stacking [/quote] Also including the players [i]Loadout [/i]name and [i]Loadout quickbar[/i] at the top. As the game gets more into the RPG elements I think something like this should be talked about and the different ways we can see our equipment descriptions. If I am missing anything let me know and I do know this is a lot of data to add to an already slow menu system. However, if the right information can be given to a 3rd party app/website then I think it will enhance the RPG elements to this game. This may even inspire other RPG elements that can be added in the future.

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