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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/11/2019 11:21:29 PM

Large Scale Events that Impact Destiny

I know it would be hard to do but it would be awesome if we had a war for the Deep Stone Crypt and fulfilled lore. Like what if we picked a side and fought for the crypt. The winning side would determine what happened in D3 if the drifter and darkness lose then we leave the system. If those defending the light win then we can learn the secrets that all of the planets in our system hold. This could be a one time 12-hour pvp match in a patrol zone outside the crypt, just keep the army out. It would be fun as a community to work hard to fight for our side. It would be any cooler if by claiming triumphs first or by standing out in the battle, we as players could get put in the Grimoire. It's probably impossible to do, but it would be awesome if you could do it.

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