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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Pen): 1/28/2019 7:12:31 PM

Dreaming City nowhere to go

Hello, wondering if anybody could help me here, I recently started the Dreaming City and storywise got just past the point where you [spoiler]give an offering to the Oracle[/spoiler]. After that I saw the character icon on the Dreaming City on the solar chart, telling me to meet somebody there. Entering the Dreaming City there's nobody marked on the map and Petra doesn't say anything just offering her bounties. I tried doing several activities in the Dreaming City (including the Blind Well, the strike, all the regional chests and lost sectors; excluding the raid) and also wasted one of the [spoiler]Tinctures of Queensfoil[/spoiler], thinking that might let me talk to somebody. Anybody got an idea? Am I missing something? Is my save bugged? That did not feel like the end of the campaign... [I'm playing on Pc with all expansions and the annual pass. My character is an Awoken Warlock at level 50, power level 559.]

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