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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/15/2019 9:31:34 PM


[i] OK guys here's all the activities that you can do on weekly reset in destiny to I know you can read them for yourself but I thought I'll just read them out loud for you because it's a good time to jump right in so that's good Here we have all of these guns you've seen a million times before and here he is what they have on them. Here's all this ever verse scrap that you could browse for yourself but I'll still explain it to you. N you should jump into the dreaming city because there are things to do like these bounties at Petra... Buy my products hit the like button and subscribe for more of this content next week where will show you exactly the same thing we showed you this week that you could have seen for yourself.[/i] [spoiler]🤦‍♂️[/spoiler]
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