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1/8/2019 7:00:15 PM

Global Clan with Discord xALLEGIANCEx IS NOW RECRUITING!

APPLY at [url][/url] and ALL with be accepted. We have a very active [u]Discord[/u] and [u]Event Calendar[/u] [u][b]About xAx[/b]:[/u] [b]xAllegiancex[/b] is Currently a Xbox One, PS4 and PC [b]Global Destiny/Destiny 2 Community[/b] with hundreds of daily active members. Our Primary Goal is to help anyone and everyone we possibly can. Everybody is always welcome; from those less experienced that need help to those more experienced that like to help others. We also pride ourselves in creating social relationships both personally and gaming wise within our community. We want to make sure that every guardian hits their highest potential of skill relative to the games our community plays. [b]xAllegiancex[/b] has an infrastructure that is built on organization and simplicity. By having a 1 Admin to 15 Member Ratio, our community is able to coordinate over 400 events per month. We provide[b] Raid Training Runs[/b] for both regular and prestige modes and we regularly schedule events at member requested times so its easy for anybody to learn to raid. To be a part of this great community, please visit us at [url][/url]

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