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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Ghostfire239): 12/24/2018 11:35:05 PM

Burning Maul needs a buff!

I don’t really play as a Titan that much but even I can see how bad this super is in PvP. I may throw in some PvE buffs. 1. Make light attacks ohk non-super guardians in PvP. I don’t really get why it doesn’t do that already. It’s an offensive super. 2. Have the light attack consume significantly less super energy. 3. HUD indicators to wear the throwing hammer is (or just see it through walls) 4. Speed up the slam animation and the fire trail speed. 5. Have the fire tornado pull enemies into it (a strong pull too) 6. Increase duration of Roaring flames. When in the super have Burning Maul light attacks HITS trigger Roaring flames. That’s all I got for now. What do you think.

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