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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/3/2019 11:16:41 PM

Next Temporal Surge... ?

Yes bring me those emotes.


Sure... but i wont buy anything


No. Paid emotes are stupid.


Are we going to see another Temporal Surge? I'm not sure where everyone landed on the last Temporal Surge. I for one thought it was a cool idea. Yes maybe the price was a little high. But the idea behind it, wasn't half bad. I personally bought two of them, one exotic and one legendary. I know the whole micro transactions in a game can be a touchy subject. But I believe if done right can be a great way for a game to continue to make a profit and be able to afford to continually support the game. I hope that we will see another one soon. [u]Selfie emote[/u]!!! anyone??

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