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1/1/2019 11:44:03 PM

Thoughts of destiny 2 in the aspect of newcomers

I am newcomer of destiny 2. I started to play this game in the black Friday this year, so I know nothing about destiny 2 before Forsaken. I am not a native English speaker; please tolerate my grammar. Destiny 2 gives me a very good first impression. The graphics and optimization are excellent, the shooting is decent, and the campaign is attracting. Most exotic quest gives me a feeling of treasure hunting, and the escalation protocol is a good way to kill time. Before I played this game, the most comment I heard is that destiny 2 is lack of endgame. I think this comment is not true. The true problem is the lack of motivation. Some activities are "one time only" — for example, the Shattered Throne and blind well. After I got the wish-ender and the seed of light, I have zero motivation to do them again, unless the weekly bounty forces me to do so. Seemingly, Bungie wanted to mimic their past successes on whisper and escalation protocol, but they forget the key to make whisper and escalation protocol success is the POWERFUL REWARDS. I admit the wish-ender is a cool idea and I really like it, but it should not be the only motivation for a dungeon opens for every three weeks, and It is such a waste of resources. Also, the rewards for the secret chest should be exclusive. It was so disappointing when you find such hidden thing, but it only rewards you trash that you can find everywhere on the map. Another problem is the PVE meta for an exotic weapon was so static. The only exotic weapons you need for PVE are thunderlord, sleeper and whisper. The other exotics feels very unnecessary in-game and mostly just for collection. Also, the power leveling system is inconsistent. It seems to me that Bungie interprets "need more endgame" as "need more time to get into the endgame". I experienced two unreasonable gaps when I was levelling. One is before the dreaming city, and one is before the black armory. There is not a smooth transition from 510 to 550 and 550 to 610. The only way to pass that is by weekly bounties. It was really frustrating when I first entered the dreaming city and found myself hardly do a single quest; I even have a friend quit the game during that time. The way black armory release was really pissed me off — it hard delayed players to get access to the little content by the power requirement and quest line. It feels like you spend eternity to get access to the content and use 10 mins to finish them off. What is the meaning of that? Beside the power requirement, I like the idea of the forge. It provides a systematic way to improve your gear. As I said before, as a PVE casual player, I feel nothing to do in the game after I finished all exotic quest and hit the 650 power level. There is not much motivation for the raids since rewards does not feel that necessary as long as a whisper, thunderlord, sleeper, escalation shotgun are so dominated and universal. The random roll on the raid was a terrible idea that even demotivate me to raid. It is hard to image that you might get a completely useless thing after you fight so hard for a raid. I think there are many ways to improve the endgame experience even without adding new content, like introducing ladder to raid and nightfall; dropping special items in raid that can raise the power level exceed power cap so that you can have some advantages in the next dlc; something can motivate both average and advanced players and make the activities feel exclusive.

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