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Завтра Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.


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Изменено (PedanticDM): 12/7/2018 5:10:36 PM

Reticulating splines старое

Many pay-for-play solicitors seen lately...

Hi Bungie and fellow Guardians, Tis the season for soliciting paid raid, crucible, or nightfall carries? Anyway, in the last few days I have seen fee-required Fireteam adverts in the Companion app. They fill up before I can report them, though I did manage to report one. I have seen a lot from, supposedly, this "Leprestore" group. A PC raid carry has a list price of about US$80. They have paid for AdWords on Google, so likely easy to find on any website search service. Needless to say, this is predatory, disgusting, and negatively affects the perception of the Destiny community, one I happen to care deeply for. How can I/we effectively shoo sway, ban, or disincentivize this egregious behavior?

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