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впервые опубликовано в: Let's Talk About Bungie's Broken Glassess
12/5/2018 3:11:15 PM
A Quibble: [quote]we got Escalation Protocol where you needed three Fireteams in the same place to do it.[/quote] I read the griping on this, a lot, and I wonder if many of those who complain about this have ever played expansive world MMOs because this has been a feature since EverQuest, maybe even before, where mobs pop in the world and they take more than a normal fireteam to put down. One more thing (among so many I don't have time to address this morning, especially on raids and raid lairs), a looking glass is a mirror. If you want Bungie to pay attention to comments, they wouldn't be examining themselves in a mirror. Your post is a jumbled mess with a bad metaphor for a bow. I say they should make the game they want to make and the people who want to play it will play it. Trying to cater to the whims of this "community" will pull them in too many different directions and will likely pull them seems to be the case. They should stop listening to people posting their opinions.

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