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Изменено (LeVante): 11/20/2018 12:04:45 AM

Too many Luna's Howl everywhere

Is it normal that on a team of 6 I always find 2 or 3 people using Luna's Howl? I think that's ridiculous. It's like there's nothing else going on in the crucible. Have we gone back to the same problem we had with Graviton? This is so frustrating when will we see actual balance in the crucible?

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  • You mean that one Crucible weapon that ALL PLAYERS get the quest for, that’s fairly easy to complete, even for a very average 1 k/d player, that’s almost as good as a well rolled Trust? That thing is being used in Crucible by Crucible players? Wow. That blows my mind. Seriously though I owned many Lunas Howl users on the way to getting mine with a variety of other 180 hand cannons with better range and perks that function 100% of the time instead of 30% only to find out that Luna’s Howl was a very niche weapon and not even close to broken like you crucibabies make it out to be. It has abysmal range and the good perk only procs if you land 2 consecutive headshots quickly. But then get this. If you miss your next bullet the perk deactivates and does nothing, and if your next bullet kills someone it also deactivates. It’s a single LITC bullet that only procs if you hit 2 consecutive headshots and then don’t miss the 1 LITC follow up shot. Doesn’t sound OP to me. It sounds like a solid exotic type perk that has multiple conditions to activate it, and the shot can still be missed when it procs. There are a couple pretty rare situations when you can possibly get 2 shots off with the higher damage bullets that involve more than one guardian and consecutive headshots, but I don’t even think it happens enough to really mention further. If I’m already doming you on my first 2 shots I think I could manage the 1 extra bullet Trust or WoS would need especially with explosive rounds or hcr which those can have all the time and Luna doesn’t. It looks like a pretty worthy weapon on paper considering the time sink it takes to obtain, but it also has tons of drawbacks that balance out the really good perk that doesn’t proc more often than it does. Not to mention that thing is very clunky and much less user friendly than Trust. And did I mention the terrible range? Or the hot garbage sight? Or weird handling? Or the terrible hit registration? I mean before it was the cool thing to say it’s OP, during the first few weeks of Forsaken these forums and reddit had tons of posts from people asking if it was weird that they liked Trust better and how disappointed they were with Luna after getting it. That was my first thought too. Go look for yourself and get off the bandwagon. The only thing even close to OP about it is the permanent outlaw reload it has. The first time I used it I unequipped it halfway through the match for a max range explosive round Trust because I was getting my butt kicked by everything and proceeded to jump from last place to first place by the end of the match. This was on The Burnout where you would think it would shine but man is the range a joke. Might as well use a shotgun, fusion, or sidearm. Using Luna is also a surefire way to take many baths in shotgun pellets. You have to get that close that they could close the gap if you aren’t extremely precise. I don’t know of any other hand cannons that make me feel that way. Not Forgotten is another story though. It doesn’t suffer from the range issues of Luna’s Howl, but it may have other drawbacks. I can’t say because I’ve never used it. See how that works? If you haven’t used it yourself you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, and what must be overcome to be actually be good with that weapon, more so than you would be with a Trust or West of Sunfall. To me Trust and WoS are better overall weapons than Luna’s Howl at more ranges, much more versatile, consistent, and easier to land crits with, and just more user friendly all around. Luna is good but you must play very close and be able to land consecutive headshots at a much closer range than other 180s which is more difficult or you might as well be using the Ikelos hand cannon. You literally have to live in shotgun/fusion/sidearm range which is very high risk/reward. That’s why it really shines for good players that can hit their shots, but miss and your dead. It can be godly in the right hands but those hands would make most average weapons godly. If I’m getting smoked by someone using a Luna they would probably do the same with another 180 HC especially if I’m using it myself. If someone is consistently 3-tapping you with Luna it’s because they are extremely skilled. The gun doesn’t do it for them. The gun is perfectly balanced considering all the drawbacks traded for magnificent howl. The reload could maybe be slowed down a little but that’s it. Sometimes people are just better than you or outplay you. Kiddos not being able to accept that is the only thing wrong with Crucible. P.S. I bet you don’t even have the gun, because I’ve never heard one person say it’s OP or easy to use that actually owns it. Anyone that says it’s easy to use is delusional. I’ve even heard multiple above average players cry that it’s OP when facing it and quickly change their tune after getting it themselves and using it. Me: Hey xxxxxxx you finished your Luna? Why you rocking that Trust? Them: Ummmm I don’t like that gun. Something about it. I just can’t use that thing. I don’t know what it is. I just told you what it is though. If you’ve never used it you can’t understand how vastly different it functions and feels than Trust or West of Sunfall and how short the range is compared. I’m trying to force myself to like it better than other 180s, but it’s not going well. I still think Bygones paired with a shotgun is the best loadout for this current meta.

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