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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Kurnal_Kush): 12/1/2018 5:36:43 PM

Clan recruiting DROP

We are clan who enjoys actually being a clan, you know? We run raids, nightfalls, escalation protocols, strikes, crucible, Gambit, and anything else Bungie decides to toss into Destiny during whichever holiday or seasonal theme. We are needing active members, the only skill you need is the ability to learn and approve. Not level 50? 600 light? Don't have sleep stimulant? Low number of exotics collected? Don't even know what the heck is a Xur? NO PROBLEM. We got you, just show up and be there, we'll help you out. 👌 Message me for an invitation!

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