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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (14 Werewolves (ADEPT)): 11/27/2018 5:43:51 AM

Lucky Pants buff

Remember the lucky pants?Yeah I didn’t either until like 5 minutes ago when I thought about this. I feel like with the dominance of hand canons in the meta right now this ENTIRELY hand cannon focused exotic should be updated to be less incredibly underwhelming. I’d say keep the hand cannon ready speed perk and change the each precision hit loads a round into a stowed hand cannon perk into a each precision hit with a hand cannon gives you one round back into the magazine or something like that. And maybe a cool western themed ornament for them as well Oh and maybe some sort of synergy with the ace of spades because they were both items that Cayde owned

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