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Изменено (Fakin_Jeff): 11/24/2018 3:52:47 AM

Im pretty sure im not getting my hazard of the cast anytime soon (and my opinion towards gear drops)

Its the last thing i need for dredgen and i want to get it before season 5. Ive resetted 5 times in infamy still nothing, weekly bounties and daily whatever there is to get legendary weapon. Im currently thinking in bed rn that im never going to get the gun. And its not only me ive played with people that have 12 resets and the sniper havent drop for them. Basically its very random and i dont like it, the idea of not getting an item possibly for like more than a year is just really dumb and thats the problem. Btw idk if its only me but ive realised and noticed that everytime i think of wanting a weapon or wanting an exotic it will never drop for me while if i dont think about it, it will drop. Like this one time when i was a bout to sleep and i was just finishing my legend rank for reset, suddenly the gwisin drop for me. My hunter is my main and i always think about getting the sixth coyote and i never got an exotic since but just last week i decided to level up my warlock, i didnt think about getting exotics, when i was levelling her about level 45 i got the queensbow when finishing the trickster adv (tbh i tought the final boss dropped one of those exotic bombs so i casually walked over it and i was wrong) then i finished the clan exp and got the cerberus and this week i finished my milesrones and got the wavesplitter from ascendant challenge and geomags from gambit bounty, u didnt expect any of these dude while in my hunter i always think about it and since the gwisin drop i keep getting y1 exotics juat never a forsaken. My hunter to warlock exotic ratio is 1:5 in terms of new forsaken gear, i got geomags 2 times. Idk if this is a coincidence or just overthinking but this realisation made me realise that i cant never not think meaning that i will never get the things i want according to my theory. Idk dude this is always a recurring thing for me not only in destiny but also in borderlands even in destiny 1 and wow.

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