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впервые опубликовано в: ERROR CODE: Broccoli
11/7/2018 10:34:04 AM
You are far below the minimum specs required to play the game. Unless you turn the graphics all the way down to minimal specs.

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  • Believe me thats something I am well aware of. But you see thats kinda the thing. My graphic settings were set up by the game itself on more or less low with the resolution being pretty high (which for such a laptop, i was not expecting it). Everything ran fine, the tutorial sequence, the introduction to the Farm and the EDZ missions all ran perfect with the Radeon hd 7500m/7600m. It was only after that that things began going subtly down hill, and the error code 'Brocolli ' began showing up. Time varied, sometimes after 20 minutes... sometimes right at the log in. The Radeon hd 7650m though, couldnt run the game on low resolution even if it got bitten in the ass (With it I have it set to 25... basically playing the game 8-bit style :) ) My friend who has a somewhat of a worse laptop had the same issue. But she didnt go updating her graphic card (I cant remember what kind it is except for it being a Nvidia Geforce). Everything just magically fixed itself for her after a day. Mine though didnt.

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