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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (DJay): 11/3/2018 3:09:37 AM

Crucible Maps

Anyone else remember the good D1 maps like Last Light, Blind Watch, Rusted Lands, and Twilight Gap? [i](just to name a few)[/i], I would absolutely love to see some more maps from D1 in D2, i know that they have already added 3 'classic' maps, Pantheon, Shores of Time, and Bannerfall, [i](imo Bannerfall and Pantheon were nothing special)[/i]. I primarily play crucible in D1 and 2, and the maps in D2 just don't have any unique 'feel' to them, Wormhaven was OK, but there just that big of variety of map types. You have your closed-area, compact maps, your slightly-more-open maps, and then your mixed maps [i](partially open and partially compact)[/i]. Where are the large open maps where everyone had a sniper rifle, and you could use your sparrow/pike/interceptor? I just want more map variety is what this whole rant is mainly about.

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