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10/25/2018 11:18:43 AM

Looking 2kd pvp bakes clan ps4, im a 2.9kd

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  • Hello I'm Aced I recently made a new clan Invictus Flux [XULF] been planning it with a few friends for a while. Im looking forward to growing soon and for more of a pvp based approach for my clan. You know hit some clips throw in some team plays hit bangers while we're at it but, nothing too serious though I'm okay in pvp myself. I'm getting into editing and want to post clips on my Instagram page also, want to make a clan page in the future.. I enjoy playing some pve as well, raids, farming most of all just looking to make new friends and have good times . Will be recruiting for members I want more of an adult background for the clan or just be chill and cool. Well if any guardians interested shoot me a message for the details! Thanks Follow my Instagram page Clan Link Add me on PSN acedplays

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