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10/23/2018 4:15:06 PM

Increase customizing options, for Guardian, Sparrow, and Ghost. And bring back their voices!

To whom it may concern, To the team at Bungie. Let me start off with positive feed back. I know you guys are working hard to improve the game and appease fans the best you can. , you've more or less nailed down the combat. I'm sure the creative team is limited in some regards as to what they can and can't do to the game. Some improvements like the shaders, the customizable phase in's when arriving from your ship, and the emotes, and all that is great! That being said. I do have some criticisms and things I'd like to share as a fan. Because you've nailed down the first person part, but some of the rpg elements could be improved upon so the player could feel more immersed and connected to their guardian. 1) Post Creation Changes to Guardian and Ghost. I'm sure you've heard this one alot, and by all means I'm sure you're tired of hearing it. But, there could be a way to introduce this and have it be a fin inclusion that doesn't feel shoe horned in. For example you could introduce a new character who works on mechanical/biological augmentation using engrams. Basically you could use raids, crucible, strike, etc, as the medium to reward players with not just armors, weapons, and shaders. But new hair styles, eye colors, and looks for their guardians. This could also be included to Ghosts. Where not just their shell could change, but their eye color, or maybe their light when the phase in. Or use Glimmer so that people can purchase said changes in a shop. Lord knows I've heard complaints of Glimmer staking up. Sparrows: Fast, agile, and nimble. I'll get the obvious request out of the way. If you could somehow incorporate them into races that'd be great! But what I'd like to see is that sparrows become another weapon. I say take them to the hangar and let them be customizable. Be able to add weapons, ie: machine guns, plasma bolts, flame throwers, rockets, etc. Or customizable thrusts. I want my sparrow leaving a trail of fire to...So that they dont just feel like a fancy car. But something powerful and awesome to ride in. Keep them restricted in zones you dont want them used, that's up to you guys. Ships: I mean if you're not going to have space battles. Then just ignore this. But I feel like this and the sparrow section have a lot of similarities and the requests are basically the same. Finally, Dialogue: There is no point in a silent protage if someone is going to speak for me anyway. The Ghost is suffering what I call Daxter syndrome. Although infinetly more entertaining and far less annoying. He defeats the reason of having a silent protage because he's essentially the voice, and object we "try" to connect to. I applaud you allowing us to speak in Forsaken. Step in the right direction. But 4 or 5 lines, doesnt make an interesting guardian. Let's make it immersive, give us at least like 2 dialogue options, and branch out the story a bit. Make the villians seem far more personal and like Ghaul or Uldren. I know I put alot. But, I feel passionately for the game as I'm sure everyone on this forum does. And, by no mean do I expect all, or any of this in the game. This just some feedback that I think would help with getting the player more immersed and excited to play the game.

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