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Изменено (ErraticHail2012): 10/14/2018 8:23:52 AM

Punishment for strike AFKers

There should be a punishment for people who go AFK. I've encountered at least 10 AFKers just doing nothing, one even moving like a headless chicken just to not get kicked. I've reported every single one but they just last too long or don't get kicked at all and just have to orbit. Addition 1: Some consequences would be necessary, like temp ban for 10 minutes, increasing exponentially until permaban (maybe). Also a way to 'initiate' players for being afk would be cool. I was thinking like if someone is AFK, you could initiate them and have to move or get a kill in 1 minute or else they get kicked. I haven't given it much thought, but a way to initiate a kick procedure on another player would be greatly appreciated.

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