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10/6/2018 11:33:32 PM

Auto Rifles and Sub-Machine guns were not balanced correctly

From what I have seen after the Forsaken update, regarding the time to kill for auto rifles and sub-machines, they haven't had the body shot damage correctly scaled. In Destiny 2 Year 1, the auto rifles and sub-machine guns had about a 30% critical multiplier and not a 60% critical multiplier. For example, the Ghost Primus, a 600 rpm auto rifle, in the Crucible at optimal range, did 17 damage to the head and 13 to the body (about a 30% difference). Enter the Forsaken time to kill update and it does 21 to the head but still only 13 to the body. I further believe this to be an over sight because on the Destiny 2 combat reveal stream ( at 41:08 Cozmo used the Ether Doctor (a 600 rpm auto rifle) and said "even with the body shots, you can see a difference" when in truth there was no difference in body shot damage from Year 1 to Year 2. I believe the change to make auto rifles do 30% critical damage instead of 60% and to have their body shot damage increased was in Destiny 1 Rise of Iron, because auto rifles were harder to land consistent head shots compared to the other primaries. This was grandfathered in Destiny 2 Year 1 with the auto and sub-machine guns and it would be greatly appreciated if it went back to that especially for sub-machine guns.

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