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Destiny 2

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Изменено (HoLyCoDzTa): 10/5/2018 12:28:04 PM

Please can the Crucible and Vanguard boons get updated, and could the Drifter maybe sell one for Gambit too?

I've read a couple of scattered complaints about the boons so just thought I'd group them together as they've bugged me as well. As far as I'm aware, both the Crucible and Vanguard boons, that you can buy from Shaxx and Zavala respectively, will only drop pre-Forsaken exotics at pre-Forsaken levels. This is frustrating and unhelpful, but also goes against what Bungie said in the Update 2.0 patch notes: "Exotics will now always drop at or above your Guardian’s Power level". I understand you want to keep Forsaken exotics rare, but with pressure to up the drop rates, making these boons drop Forsaken exotics could be a good way to go about it. I've noticed recently that I've been able to use boons before an activity actually starts which is a very welcome change (I still almost always forget until the very end or beyond). However, it'd be great if we could use them when/wherever and have it be consumed upon completion of the corresponding activity, basically how Destiny 1's Three of Coins worked. Lastly, I don't know what Gambit boons could reward in place of tokens, but it would be nice if you could come up with something and then have the Drifter sell them, even just to keep it consistent across the three activities. I'm keen to hear any other complaints, suggestions or criticism anyone might have.

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