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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/30/2018 6:32:53 PM


So I played a game of Competitive and as someone who likes solo queuing from time to time my last game was horrendous! Everyone left around 1 minute after match started then I was left alone. My problem is that I don't want to get a quit penalty cause I don't quit competitive games no matter what but my god I have to ask..... WTF Happen to mercy? For the love of god this shit is unreal I was getting spawn killed over and over again until the timer ran out! They had more then 10x my capture points why wasn't mercy triggered? is it disable in Comp? If so add HIGHER QUIT PENALTIES!! Solo queuing is a disaster and having stacked teams going against none stacked teams is ridiculous. It usually isn't this bad but it is starting to get worse as I climb the ranks and I am in the 990s in Comp points. please add harsher penalties and also take stacked teams against other stacked teams this is ridiculous. I could find a team but in most LFG sites people wouldn't like my K/d and don't care how I got there because I solo queue. So finding a team is hard as hell since shit like this happens and screws me over!

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  • [quote]So I played a game of Competitive and as someone who likes solo queuing from time to time my last game was horrendous! Everyone left around 1 minute after match started then I was left alone. My problem is that I don't want to get a quit penalty cause I don't quit competitive games no matter what but my god I have to ask..... WTF Happen to mercy? For the love of god this shit is unreal I was getting spawn killed over and over again until the timer ran out! They had more then 10x my capture points why wasn't mercy triggered? is it disable in Comp? If so add HIGHER QUIT PENALTIES!! Solo queuing is a disaster and having stacked teams going against none stacked teams is ridiculous. It usually isn't this bad but it is starting to get worse as I climb the ranks and I am in the 990s in Comp points. please add harsher penalties and also take stacked teams against other stacked teams this is ridiculous. I could find a team but in most LFG sites people wouldn't like my K/d and don't care how I got there because I solo queue. So finding a team is hard as hell since shit like this happens and screws me over![/quote] Leaver penalties are almost never heavy enough, in any game. Certain amount of leaves should carry automatic season perma-bans. People should be looking out for our enjoyment and the right to compete as much as possible. Letting kids do whatever they want at all times ruins it sometimes. I dont think they should change matchmaking unless they make the only way to que, solo que. I wish every game could do that.

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