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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (scemmes): 9/5/2018 5:49:58 PM


Hello guardian I am looking for some experienced player to join my psn clan lighting the darkness . It's full of interesting people and some right characters lol me being one of them lol. I am hoping to get some people who have done the raids to help teach them to other people and willing to be patient with them . I'm a legacy guardian myself so been around since d1 and so have a few of my other guys. The clan is based world wide. We have 2 admin uk 2 admin state side as the clan grows we hope to have more people involved. Thanks for taking time to read this be sure to come check us out. My gamer tags scemmes send me friend request and we can hangout you can get a feel for us.

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