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9/2/2018 4:02:32 PM

Malicious Incompetence in FedLoan Servicing

At the beginning of every month I log into FedLoan Servicing to pay my monthly statement. The issue, my statement claims the amount due is only 5.55% of the total sum of the monthly payments for each individual loan. The statement is blatantly lying about the amount due each month. This pisses me off to seemingly no end. Note: I'm on the standard payment plan. Earlier in the year, I recognised my "overpayment" of the actual amount due, not the deceptive amount due on the statement, at ~101% per month was not being applied in a manner that would satisfy the interest of every loan before algorithmically applied to loan principal. As a result, a couple loans had a principle greater than the original loan. Those loans also had the highest interest rates, 6-7%. Upon this recognition, I started to dictate how my payments were applied so that I would satisfy the interest and pay toward the principal, which the monthly payments stated for each individual loan achieve. I also became more aggressive in my payments and now pay ~109% of the true monthly payment, not the deceptive monthly payment on the statement. I pay my taxes only to be have my drawers forcibly pulled down to my ankles and violently bent over because I made the mistake of buying into a federally sanctioned con run by the government (It turns out certifications have greater practical utility than my BS in Microbiology, which has no greater utility than a BA in Underwater Basket Weaving). My credit cards don't pull that bullshit nor does my car loan lender. Speaking to my parents, their mortgage lender doesn't do this either. It seems private lenders do not maliciously attempt to deceive borrowers into believing their monthly payments are less than they actually are. Either it is utter incompetence or it is intentional. Both circumstances are malicious and more reason for the feds to get the hell out of education.

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