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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/15/2018 4:29:30 PM

The tale of an 81 year old guardian and his first Destiny 2 raid completion

Me and a group of trusted friends helped an 81 year old gentleman (FIBBOB) finish his first Destiny 2 raid. I don't ever do sherpa raids in D2, but I just had to for this fellow. It was an absolute delight helping him. We later did Eater of Worlds and helped Fib get his Legend of Acrius as well. We also plan on doing Spire of Stars very soon. FIBBOB is a retired comedian, writer and poet. He also loves video games, especially Destiny. With his creativity and joyous spirit, FIBBOB felt compelled to write a short story, to commemorate his very first Destiny 2 raid completion. You can read his story and learn more here: Also, please feel free to share as well. Thank you :)

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