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Участие в случайно выбранном обсуждении.
Изменено (DeMix): 8/12/2018 4:28:44 AM

I need ideas for the next Would You Rather...

Robo Owl and xAZ said from the last post that the 50th should be OffTopic related and I need some ideas here from everyone on OffTopic to make this the best WYR I have ever made. You can post questions down below and suggestions of what kind of questions should be on it. Of course, I won't use the exact questions you put but tweak them and try to make them as unique and different as possible. Should I also include users on OffTopic? And finally, thank all of you for sticking with my generic ass WYR series lmao. Let's make this next WYR special, cheers!

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