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8/6/2018 11:16:00 AM

Question about terms of service.

Didn't know where to throw this up, but I figured this would be the best place. Addressing the elephant in the room, are paid carries legal and/or allowed as per Terms of Service/Use. It's been bugging me because people have already paid Bungie to play the game and no matter what your opinion is on the quality of the game, we can all agree that charging for a free item is a scumbag thing to do and leaves a very bad impression of the Destiny community. It makes new and veteran players have a somewhat more negative opinion of the game and to non-destiny players, it turns them off of the game. I've done some calculations and 15 or so people have already made $40k plus off of whisper and claymore runs. Would like a direct response from Bungie if at all possible but if anyone can shine some light on the situation it would be much appreciated.

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