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Изменено (KaoticsKill): 7/11/2018 4:01:42 AM

Recruiting Trials, Crucible, End-game & Those Who Believe in Family (All Platforms)

CLANTAGE====> Hello fellow guardians and welcome to TGC, THE GAME CHANGERS, a clan that was established by a group of us back in the Alpha/Beta days of Destiny. Needless to say we are a Very close group and eager to keep the Destiny 2 World Alive! Im the creator of said clan, and you can call me Deathstroke or by my psn name Kaot1cuco (K.O or Kaotic). We are looking for [b]PS4 & Xbox1 & PC[/b] players that want to join a fun and competitive clan that is built on the concept of teamwork! Yes TEAMWORK a lost art at times but nonetheless we try to encourage it as much as possible. My vision for this clan is for any member to log in at any given time and see people online they can rely on to do any task and be ready to help each other when in need. Its requires every single one of our members' commitment to stay Active not only in the game but in talking with each other and building team bonding experiences and stories. I also want to challenge our member to remain competitive in Crucible and look to improve their skills no matter what so they can challenge ANYONE in our paths. We are looking to join many more Competitive tourneys to come and as well as have our very own clan Tournaments.  We have lots of sweaties players and trials sherpas as well as streamers that are always willing to help and we need more of those guardians who are willing to go ALL OUT and really Change the Game! [b]We do have a large member base and so to keep everyone active and from no one feeling left out we leave it up for our members to strive to engage with other clanmembers in our very own TGC chats. We try to keep everyone in touch using in-game chats on both consoles to keep the communication between our members as high as possible. [u]Since we are limited, our only requests are for you to have a KD of 1.1 or higher (this is debatable and depends on your desire to join & improve with us). ALSO we request for ALL our members to come together on the FREE phone application called BAND[/u], for both android and apple phones. In BAND we have various chats where we talk about everything Destiny, life experiences, MEMES, anything really, its like our gaming HUB! Its equipped with calendars, events, polls and perfect place to share your nasty Clips and even if your streaming so everyone can come watch. There we have our own LFG to see who is available to do Trials, Raids , Crucible, strikes or whatever activity you may be playing! ITS not just a CLAN ITS OUR Own Family GAMING COMMUNITY. [/b] [i] ITS ALL ABOUT SHARING OUR SUCESS WITH One another AND PUSH EACHOTHER TO DO BETTER AND REACH OUR GOALS AS A TEAM. We want to welcome YOU into our huge family and make special everlasting memories together. [/i] Here is our link for our clan pages on all consoles: The Game Changers X1: [url=][/url] The Game Changers(PS4): [url=][/url] The Game Changers PC: [url=][/url] BAND App(X1 and PS4) [url=][/url] Discord Server(PC) [url=][/url] [spoiler] If you read this far then you are a real game changer haha and I thank you for that [spoiler]

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