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Изменено (TheWindWalker88): 7/6/2018 3:04:58 PM

Swords need a fix!

Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t swords melee weapons? If they are, why don’t they activate the melee passive skills from our skill trees? Saying it’s because they are power weapons isn’t valid, because with every other power weapon, whether they are two handed or not, I can still use my melee, and it will proc all the melee skills just the same. The sword is the only power weapon where using it denies you access to using your melee skills. Even though it’s a melee weapon. That’s not really reasonable or fun. I am a Titan main so I don’t know all of the other class passive abilities that can’t be used with a sword. But here are my suggestions: 1) Path of the juggernaut has a passive ability called Reversal, that grants health regen after a melee kill. This doesn’t activate with swords. Please fix. 2) Code of the protector has a passive ability called rally force, that restores health for you and nearby allies after a melee kill. This also does not activate with sword kills please fix.

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