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7/3/2018 7:29:16 PM

How to Improve Faction Rally In Every Way

As we all know faction rally is the time where we pick a faction and begin the grind for the sweet rewards it offers once we reach rank 50. Though this new system of Renown and how the ornaments work are not the best it is also not the worst. I believe if we could change some things to the system people would thoroughly grind the factions out. So i've complied a list of things that I think should be changed to the up coming faction rallies in Season 4. If anyone wishes to add something that i've not mention or further improve of the things should change then do so. I don't want to see any hate about how it sucks or how the game is dead. The list of fixes in Renown: 1. Make it so Renown only works in Lost Sectors. 2. Remove the Explosive Crates that are highlighted its just a death concern. 3. Change the decreased Healing to rotating debuffs like on Heroic Strikes. 4. Make it so we can wear at least one Exotic Armor piece and still get 4 Renown with the rest of the armor. The list of fixes in Ornaments: 1. Have them all have the same goals for every character. It takes so much time to complete every ornament for each class. The list of fixes in Reward Pools: 1. Reaching rank 50 is a high goal which gives you a Catalyst but I believe it should offer more.

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