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Изменено (Shake4): 6/11/2018 6:55:49 PM

Cool creative project

Hey, destiny community. I was a huge fan of destiny 1 and played the hell out of that game. I am getting a 3D printer soon and I want to undergo a huge project of modeling one of the classic weapons from the game. I wanted it to be a weapon that is complex enough to be visually stunning to make and a challenge but not so difficult I get turned off by making it. I was thinking of maybe a hand cannon as it would be fun to make and possibly create a rotating barrel. I just wanted a few suggestions for what weapon you find as a classic OG Destiny weapon that would look sick to recreate. If anyone who is into 3D printing projects I am getting a cr-10 and I have experience using fusion 360 and printing from a few classes from my school and through my robotics program at school as well. If anyone has suggestions for how to print/ what to print with it would be much appreciated. I plan on printing in a few separate prints in most likely a PLA so that it is easier to sand down and paint. I have had success with painting with acrylics but if anyone has a better suggestion it would be great.

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