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Изменено (Star): 5/24/2018 6:55:36 PM

Parable New clan- loyal players wanted

[b]Parable[/b]- Destiny 2 Competitive Clan all consoles, sorry PC players...I do really want a PC doh... [b]Activities:[/b] We do anything really, we just like to have fun and game together we do mostly run Crucible though. If you are someone who wants to learn and get better that works, but if you want to just be in the clan to be able to game with some guys go ahead and hop in. We just like to game. Hi I'm Feytol and I'm gonna copy and paste what we're about from our "About" page! Btw read the bottom please, that's not a copy paste! [b]About:[/b] This is a clan where we want to help you get better. We will train and criticize you and make you a competitive level player. We will run scrimmages with you and, once deemed worthy we will even get you in tournaments. That is our goal. We do play Trials as well but it is not a primary activity for us. We rather grind competitive or play scrimmages against good players to improve our game. If you're already a competitive level player we'd love to have you as a teacher and just as a good player! Requirements: 1- We require a 1.2+ KD (this is just a starting point we can go down if we think you have competitive potential.) 2- No overly toxic behavior, and there's no reason to swear every 2 seconds. 3- Take criticism well. This is our primary source of helping you get better, if you can't take it we don't want you. 4- No racial slurring, or slurring of any kind. 5- Be loyal! 6- This is a video game, have fun sometimes! [b]THE BOTTOM:[/b] Let me give you a bit of a history lesson, so this clan was actually very successful in D1 with the same purpose in mind, we got a solid 45 members (loyal members) and we stuck around for about 1.5 years. After D2 crashed and burned the band broke up. So, I wanted to start it up again. If you're wondering we did actually "train" people and we took 20/26 into 4 different tournaments, all 4 of those teams came in second, lost in the finals. That's pretty damn good for a bunch of blueberries! Now if you're wondering we were not playing clans like Primal, or BSK, this was a small scale tourney, we played clans like Lecture or Solid, still very impressive though (those were top tier clans.) If you're wondering "is this dude even qualified to teach?" well I'll leave that up to you, I'm a 2.2 KD player, and I have a very nice brain to pick! If you want to be a teacher I gotta make sure you're qualified in a good old fashioned stand off. Note- The name can be changed I just want something that sounds good and makes sense with the theme of our clan. If you don't like it but you want to join we can definitely discuss changing it. Reply in the comment section if you want to join, ignore the KD requirements.

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