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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/25/2018 8:37:25 AM

Ok so we have a VERY good duo here trying to find the perfect team to do the new raid with!

last raid lair we were 1st into the final boss but just lost it because our team wouldnt listen so we need a team who will listen to us and is VERY expirienced in destiny 2 because we like going for gold! Training will begin today with doing the old raids together so we can all get to know each other and see how well we all get along. NO KIDS NOBODY WHO CANT TAKE ADULT HUMOUR OR IS TOO SERIOUS ABOUT LIFE EXPIRIENCED IN DESTINY 2 HAS AT LEAST A 5.5KD IN CRUCIBLE (nah just kidding, we aint as pethetic as asking for KD ;3 ) Other than that we just looking for a decent team who we can get along with and will listen to us, well do the raid today and next week to make sure everyone is up to par with level and ready for the raid lair!

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