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Изменено (LeVante): 3/31/2018 12:47:26 PM

Very happy with latest changes don't touch TTK

Hi, I just wanted to share with the community that I'm really happy with the latest changes especially the pulse rifle buffs and the improvements about shotguns, snipers and grenade launchers. The only thing that I'm really worried about is this whole idea of lowering the Time To Kill, I think it's a bad idea. The current ttk is exactly what it should be. It gives plenty of opportunities to engage in the gunfight and revert the result of the fight. It's more about player abilities right now rather than gun quality. If you know how to strafe properly and when to jump you can make a very good use of the ttk right now. I didn't like it as it was in Destiny1 where basically you could 3 tap with most of the handcannons and it didn't really matter what the other opponent was running. Time to kill is good now and it should stay

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