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Изменено (A-CRKT-0192): 3/28/2018 12:54:23 PM

[ps4/xbox] NA/EU HeAtHeNs Of ChAoS recuriting/improvement poll!



Tell me more of what you can do for me?


Your name


Improve on your advertising/writing ability.


We are open for recruitment! We recently cleaned our house and found a whole LOTTA skeletons, and so need more bodies :D Our clan is a casual clan. We are setting up raid teams/nightfalls that will be twice weekly once we figure out timezones and schedules of the majority of our members. Our rules of thumb are don't be a dick, check clan chat even if you don't play often, and try and participate. Here at HeAtHeNs Of ChAoS we understand that life can be chaotic, so if your priorities make your gaming hours erratic and few and far between, our clan is the clan for you! Note: We are currently leaned towards PS4 due to members owning it, but are entirely open to xbox players! We have an admin who is xbox and he could use some people. Simply reply for an invite, or if you have a question I'll be monitoring this post. I'll also have a poll up to see what I can do to entice you to join! Even if you don't reply, or want to join just hit the poll button that might've changed your mind! Have a day!

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