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3/14/2018 2:11:10 AM

Farewell old friend

Destiny, the first game I got really into. I can remember that Christmas morning when I first unboxed if for the xbox 360, I didn't have the Xbox one till late 2015 so Destiny was the only game still getting updates. Obviously I played the beef out of it because of those updates and the game was good. I'd spent the few months leading up to Christmas doing so serious research on the different classes and subclasses. I decided to become a arcblade wielding hunter and the game was good. I I didint have any friends who played on the 360 so multi player was where is was at. The grind for good loot every expansion was what kept me going. During HOW I ran with the last word and matidore 64. The game was good. My first exotic came in the form of a quest where I got invective and exotics were actually difficult to get so I was very proud. The game was good. But the best part of the game was the community. Because I didn't have friends on 360 It was difficult for me to do the nightfall which was the only way to realisticly get strange coins. I was doing it slowly but steady and it was the septus prime strike. Finally I approached the end area and I found a random person was also doing it solo. During that final battle bungie spawned us on the same server for some reason. We died 5 times before finally killing him from our hidy holes (most of it consisted with him running out into fire to land a few good shots and me turning invisible through blade dancer so I could revive him) we got ur were ecstatic because we never imagined we would actually pull it off and the game was really good. These days I cannot say the game is good. It is actually bad, very bad. A combination of eververse, the way we obtain loot becoming boring, and the loss of so many community members have left this franchise in taters of its former glory. Bungie, Destiny lore is beyond incredible, your original loot system is incredible. And the community you harbored is so friendly. This is a farewell letter bungie, although I doubt you care about one comment on a feed of thousands. I'll be keeping up, looking a expansion reviews, But I will not be playing. With destiny 2 you have ruined the very essence of the whole franchise. What I ment to be a destiny player. I guess I still have a sliver of hope that you'll somehow fix this but some things just don't get fixed. And I dont plan on coming back. I've left both characters in destiny and destiny 2 in the best form. Holding the most memorable weapons and equipping the most meaningful armor despite the light level. They are wearing their funeral suits as I pay respects to the franchise that at one time meant so much to me. Farewell, Destiny

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