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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (SwetiYeti): 3/10/2018 2:25:39 AM

The vanguard has advanced tech

Okay. The technology that the vanguard has is beyond incredible. You know when we went to the almighty and destroyed it? Zavala, Cayde, and Ikora were talking to us the whole time. I bet most of you are like: "big whoop Thatch" Well let me remind you that the almighty is NEXT TO THE SUN. And the vanguard? Oh yeah THEY'RE ON EARTH. So if you guys want to learn some basic science, it takes light 8 minutes to get from the sun to earth. Therefore it takes Electromagnetic waves 8 minutes to get from earth to the sun (without a medium) So, to be able to talk to somebody 8 light minutes away AND HAVE AN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TAKES SOME NEXT LEVEL UNIVERSE BENDING WORMHOLE TRAVELING TECH BECAUSE THAT IS PRETTY MUCH IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU JUST RELATE IT TO "send transmission from point a to point b". So basically, If they have the: -tech to transport radiowaves THROUGH SPACE AND TIME WITHOUT DELAY -the tech to make you feel gravity at 9.8m/s^2 wherever you go (don't even get me started on this) Then they should have the tech to dominate the system if not the galaxy. Come on vanguard, use your noggins. Edit: AND THE SHIPS, THE SHIPS ARE HIGHLY ADVANCED TOO

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