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впервые опубликовано в: MIDA Mini Tool Lore Discussion
2/27/2018 8:58:28 PM
This all sounds really interesting...and the same time, I have NO idea what you’re talking about! Ha! I know it would take forever, but I wish more stuff like this was flushed out in the game.

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  • Well, I have time to explain why I don't have time to explain. Marathon's Story is pretty well fleshed out at this point, and running through that would take ages and more room than I have in this post. That said, there are some interesting similarities between the endings of Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity, and Destiny, namely the release of the W'rkncacnter (The Darkness?)and the rogue star (The Traveler?) Durandal is chasing. There's also the bit at the end of Marathon Infinity where the protagonist becomes some sort of deity and the personification of "Destiny." It may all just be homage and teasing from Bungie, but this entry is relatively direct. I doubt that helps but maybe it would get you interested in Marathons Story? IDK, I can tell you as a long-time Bungie follower that this is some of the coolest bits of lore I've come across in a long time.

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