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Изменено (Spawn): 2/20/2018 1:24:37 PM

Am I the only one who thinks warlocks are broken?

I've been a warlock since day 1. Three accounts D1 and three accounts D2, even after bungie nerfed them into the ground after the Taken king I continued to play as a warlock thinking it would get better. When they released the Dawnblade I was really excited to try it in PVP until I played it. I like the concept of it but it feels sluggish, and under powered. The first thing I noticed when I activated it was the visibility you cant hardly see anything on the right side of your body which gives a slight disadvantage especially since high ground is your friend. I figured it was a new subclass and i had to get used to it and with some practice I got better BUT i was still having issues with visibility, close range encounters is minimal and the damage is so inconsistent its ridiculous . I don't know how many times I would have to hit somebody twice before they die or throw 2 or 3 blades within melee range for it to connect with an opponent. The phoenix dive is a great concept but it takes way to long to engage. The top skill tree is garbage, the only decent thing about it is the Icarus dash but it has a 10 second cool down and the rifts are great in PVE but are practically irrelevant in PVP, I pop a healing rift and u have to sit in it to build an over shield so you're a sitting duck which doesn't give you advantage since the game is so movement based. The damage rift doesn't effect damage enough to make it usable. Voidlock is still reliable but with blink nerfed and your maneuverability while throwing your nova is stunted, trying to hit a hunter with double jump, dodge, invisibility and Gemini jesters you can only use the spirit bomb if your hoping to hit them. In PVP running anything other then Spirit bomb is pointless. I know what your thinking, voidlocks have the devour perk. Yes they do and its great for PVE but in PVP, good friggn luck, with the TTK the way it is if you're taking on 2 decent players more then likely you will die before you can benefit from it. Stormlock is probably the most balanced and is great in PVE but in PVP its very situational and you either need to catch opponents off guard or pick them off one by one again because of TTK and team shooting. I understand TTK and team shooting are challenging for all in the crucible but the warlocks have it the worst by far. I don't know the number but I feel that the warlocks are the least used class followed by the titans and then the hunters. The nightstalkers are OP in the crucible. I'm surprised Bungie hasn't given them a nuke button at this point, they have the most mobility and a directional jump which makes it hard enough to keep track of them but then add invis, dodge and smoke on top of it. Not to mention the gemini jester, I had a nightstalker literally run through my stromtrance without taking any damage because of the misdirection perk. What really erks me is with the upcoming updates there is no mention of a warlock buff. Ya they are boosting the jumps but that is across the board for all classes. I'm not saying that other classes are perfect and don't need tweeking, but the least used class in the game isn't getting a buff. I'm scared the warlocks are just going to fall farther behind. Whats your opinion? Am I the only one concerned about this? I've looked in the forums and nobody is talking about warlocks. I just want to know if I'm the only one that feels this way and if i am well Idk maybe i'm just a d*** and nobody has love for the warlocks anymore. Sorry for my grammar and punctuation lolz [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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